Post-Secondary Business 商科補習
Business 商科補習
ACCT 1101 Introduction to financial accounting
ACCT 2105 Introduction to management accounting
ECON 1210 Introductory microeconomics
ECON 1220 Introductory macroeconomics
MGMT 2401 Principles of management
FINA 1310 Corporate finance
MKTG 2501 Introduction to marketing
ACCT 1111 Foundations in Financial Accounting
ACCT 2111 Introductory Financial Accounting
ACCT 2121 Introductory Management Accounting
DSME 1030 Economics for Business Studies I
DSME 1031 Basic Economics for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
DSME 1040 Economics for Business Studies II
MGNT 1020 Management
FINA 2010 Financial Management
MKTG 2010 Marketing Management
AF 2108 Financial Accounting
AF 2110 Management Accounting 1
AF 1605 Introduction to Economics
MM 2021 Management and Organisation
AF 3313 Business Finance
MM 2711 Introduction to Marketing
CB 2100 Introduction to Financial Accounting
CB 2101 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
CB 2400 Microeconomics
CB 2402 Macroeconomics
CB 2300 Management
CB 3410 Financial Management
CB 2601 Marketing
ACCT 1005 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 1006 Principles of Accounting II
ECON 1005 Principles of Economics I
ECON 1006 Principles of Economics II
BUSI 2025 Organisational Behaviour
FINE 2005 Financial Management
MKTG 2015 Marketing Management
ACCT 2010 Principles of Accounting
ACCT 3010 Financial Accounting I
ACCT 3020 Financial Accounting II
ECON 2103 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2113 Microeconomics
ECON 2123 Macroeconomics
MGMT 2110 Organizational Behavior
FINA 2303 Financial Management
MARK 2120 Marketing Management
BUS 1103 Financial Accounting
BUS 1104 Managerial Accounting
BUS 2105 Microeconomics for Business
BUS 2202 Organisational Behaviour
BUS 2205 Marketing Management
BUS 2201 Financial Management
ACT B210 Introduction to Accounting
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON A232 Introduction to Macroeconomics
MGT B240 Principles and Practices of Management
FIN B280 Introduction to Financial Management
MKT B250 Introduction to Marketing
工商管理副學士 Associate of Business Administration
Introduction to Financial Management
Introduction to Management
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Introduction to Marketing
Business Economics
工商業副學士 Associate in Business
Financial Accounting
Cost Accounting
Introduction to Marketing
Introduction to Economics
Managing Organisations
Introduction to Marketing
工商管理副學士 Associate of Business Administration
BUS 10280 Principles of Accounting
BUS 20251 Management Accounting
BUS 10407 Economics I
BUS 10408 Economics II
BUS 10306 Management
BUS 10311 Marketing
BUS 20269 Financial Management
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75 分鐘
每堂 $750 起
僅限私人補習 二人同行:8 折 三人同行:7 折